Thursday, August 13, 2009

What should I say to the coach? (CHOSEN AS BEST ANSWER)


Im going to a different school next year and i went on to the school's web page to see if I could find anything about their cheerleading tryouts but they dont have anything on there about cheerleading.
However it does have a link to the cheerleading coach's email, and since I really wanna know about cheer tryouts and all, I figured I should email her cause I dont know alot of people from that school that I could just ask about it.

What should I put in the email?
I wanna know when the tryouts are taking place and what the requirments are.
Im already nervous about trying out there as it is so just emailing the coach is freaking me out. lol.
tell me exactly what I should put.


Dear Coach {Insert Name Here},

(Just so you know, I put that there so you can put the coaches name there, not that is her name. Unless that is her name, that would be too wierd though. I mean seriously, how do you even pronounce the brackets? It's probably a clicking sound like Swahili's make. But honestly, do you want to cheerlead for a Swahili? Didn't think so. She'll probably require you to put one of those rings in your lips that makes it expand huge. And that's not attractive either, especially since you're still so young. She probably doesn't take non-Swahili cheerleaders either. And THAT'S racist. You should sue. And as your legal advisor, I advise you to not have any contact with her until the trial.)




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