Monday, August 10, 2009

What do you do with bad guys? How do you defend yourself?

So.. there have been a lot of bad guys around lately.
And I'm getting pretty worried because I walk home.
I've heard scenarios like bad guys following people home and sneaking through their garage/slipping under it while they close it
And that is extremely creepy and scary!

So what do you do when that happens?
What is the best type of self defense?
How do you stop bad guys from following you and what if they do?
Please give me as much feedback as possible =/

Does pepper spray really work? o_o


This is a great question. Glad to see you are thinking of your safety. The pepper spray doesn't work 100% of the time, because a lot of the time they're wearing eye make-up. If she jumps you from behind, try grabbing her hair. If you pull it really hard you can get a handful and this is usually enough to scare them off. If she sneaks in your garage and pop up in front of you when you get out of your car, try hitting her in their "chesticles." They are extremely sensitive.

If you can see them coming from a ways away, make comments about their weight, or how big their hips are. This is enough to stun them while you get away. You can also ask if it's going to be a boy or a girl.

I teach Men's Self Defense Classes

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