Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do you know any old fashioned party games?


I am having a traditional party, and i need some good party games. We are already doing pin the tail on the donkey, and pass the parcel.

Any suggestions welcome!


These whippersnappers today don't know anything! I'm glad to see people trying to bring back "kick the can" and "hoop and stick." Kids these days don't know diddly squat! I had to walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways. Barefoot! Now they have their VCRs and their Walk Mans. They don't appreciate nothing! And those Poke Mans are of the devil! Keep them away from your kids. I remember in WWII I think I killed a Pokey Mans once. I can't remember with my alzheimer's. I need to take my medicine. It's these dang pains in my arms I get. That, and I think I'm getting high off this Ben Gay. Ah, nevermind, I have to go to the bathroom again.

My kids never visit me.

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