Wednesday, July 8, 2009



well hopefully that got somones attention. First it started with the 11:11. then it was 9:11. now the clock wont leave me alone. every time i look its 1:21, 1:31, 5:45, 6:36, 7:27, with 2 numbers on the outside and one in the middle. can anyone tell me what that means?


The clock is telling you that you are trapped by time. You are the middle numbers. Time is the outside ones. It never changes. You do. You only have one option.

You need to get down to the scrap heap and dig up a Delorean. You also need to build it so it runs off garbage. You know for the environment and for your health! Then you need to go 88 MPH. Notice that there are no numbers in the middle of that one!? You have escaped time! The wheels will come up and you will fly into the past. There, you need to play a kick *** guitar solo to save your parents and make sure Biff doesn't feel up your mom.

I am a Time Professor

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